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Woodlands Polyclinic is managed by National Healthcare Group (NHG). NHGP provides a comprehensive range of health services for the family, functioning as a one-stop health centre providing treatment for acute medical conditions, management of…

Hougang Polyclinic is managed by National Healthcare Group (NHG). NHGP provides a comprehensive range of health services for the family, functioning as a one-stop health centre providing treatment for acute medical conditions, management of chronic…

Bukit Merah Polyclinic is managed by SingHealth Group. SingHealth Polyclinics’ network of nine polyclinics provides primary healthcare services to the community. It plays an integral role in promoting a healthy lifestyle within the community and…

Geylang Polyclinic is managed by SingHealth Group. SingHealth Polyclinics’ network of nine polyclinics provides primary healthcare services to the community. It plays an integral role in promoting a healthy lifestyle within the community and…

Bedok Polyclinic is managed by SingHealth Group. SingHealth Polyclinics’ network of nine polyclinics provides primary healthcare services to the community. It plays an integral role in promoting a healthy lifestyle within the community and…