The Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Act, which was passed in Parliament in 2000, requires all TCM Practitioners to be registered with the TCM Practitioners Board. The registration of TCM Practitioners began in 2001 with the registration of acupuncturists. This was followed by the registration of TCM physicians from 2002. From January 2004, all who practise TCM are required to be registered with the TCM Practitioners Board and possess a valid practising certificate. From December 2005, Chinese Medicinal Materials dispensers who graduated from the Chinese Medicinal Materials (CMM) Training course (Intermediate module) are voluntarily listed with the TCM Practitioners Board. You are advice to check is the TCM clinic Physician is register with : The Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board

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Fong Acupuncture & Medical Hall was established at Jurong West Street 41 in January 1993. In sync with the upgrade completion of Jurong West estate, we have revamped our 15-year old clinic in December 2007, aimed to provide our patients with…

济生堂药行创立于 1940 年代初。创始人黄德珊(1960 卒)及黄如辉先生(1913 – 1993)祖籍广东省大埔县三河镇,皆诞生于故里。祖传业医,德珊先生精于岐黃之术,跟随其父辈在家乡行医看病因家乡时局不靖,黄德珊先生遂于 1930 年代南下新加坡谋生,刚到达新加坡时只能在同乡经营的药材店坐堂看病。尚在英殖民地时代的新加坡人口虽然不多,却有不少中药店,同行之间竞争激烈,这为勤奋努力的黄德珊先生提供了很多的挑战与机遇。 1934…