FEMA Clinic & Surgery is a Medical Facility based in Novena Medical Center in the Central Business District of Singapore.
The facility providing Top Quality, Industry Standard and Cost Effective Patient Centric Medical Services in the area of both General Basic Medical Examinations as well as Specialized Medical Examinations for personnel working in the areas of Offshore , Maritime/ Sea Farers, Commercial Diving (Saturation, Non-Saturation/Air/Mixed Gas), ROV Pilots as well as Aviation Pilots and Aircrew.
Our specialized medicals conform to the various regulatory bodies such as IMCA, Petronas, SHELL (SSB Medicals), UKOOA, AS2299, ADC, ADAS, ICAO, CAAS(Singapore), ILO, WHO etc. Hence providing Full Specialized Medical Examinations for the Offshore, Commercial and Recreational Diving, Maritime/Seafarers and Aviation Industry.