Joo Hong Medical Hall was founded in Singapore in 1938. The company business model in the early days started off with importing Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and selling them in Singapore. Mr. Lin Ying Biao, the founder of Joo Hong Medical Hall conducted his businesses with strict philosophy of benevolence and has won much respect from trade associates.

裕豐参茸药行创立于1938年 裕豐参茸药行创立于1938年,是一家历史悠久,享誉新马及东南亚的著名药商。 裕豐创业开始,创办人林应标先生即坚持恪遵医药道德,维护大众健康为宗旨,以薄利廉售各种真材实料道地正药,深获各界欢迎及同业之敬重,建立了稳固之信誉。

Address & Contact

Our Address

315 Outram Road, #04-10 Tan Boon Liat Building, Singapore 169074


1.287577078689997, 103.8338975904644