Lead by Mr Yueqi, male, from the race of Han was born in April 1947. After graduating from Tianjin college of Science and engineering, he studied in Tianjin Chinese Medical College and Tianjin Medical College respectively. He is now a lecturer, a Chinese physician and a calligrapher.
Mr Yu was under the tutelage of renowned Tianjin physicians. Drs Zhang Yaohua, Huo Bingzang and Li Yulin. He did a research at the Tianjin Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research Institute to study the effective compounds of Chinese herbs. For 30 years he had practiced at Tianjin, specialising in internal medicine, gynecology and acupuncture. He emphasised a lot on checking his own diagnosis to make sure that it was absolutely correct. He would make use of his knowledge in organic chemistry to analyse the effective compounds in the Chinese herbs before prescribing them to his patients. In practising acupuncture, he promoted studying into the cause of the illness, following the channels to get to the acupoint. By doing this, he often was able to get to the crux of the illness and thus had successfully treated many emergency causes and healed many deep-set ailments.
In November 1993, Mr Yu signed a contract with Russia Geological, Information and Commercial Company to lecture and speak on Chinese Medicine at the GeLianJike District Hospital and Medical Institute. He was later employed by the Singapore Man Fatt Lam Old Folk’s Home, one of the three largest temples in Singapore to be its Chinese Medical Advisor from 1994 to 1996, during which his practice and lectures were very well received by the people and the medical circle. He was also received by several Ministers and Members of Parliament.