Lead by Mr Yueqi, male, from the race of Han was born in April 1947. After graduating from Tianjin college of Science and engineering, he studied in Tianjin Chinese Medical College and Tianjin Medical College respectively. He is now a lecturer, a Chinese physician and a calligrapher.

Mr Yu was under the tutelage of renowned Tianjin physicians. Drs Zhang Yaohua, Huo Bingzang and Li Yulin. He did a research at the Tianjin Chemical & Pharmaceutical Research Institute to study the effective compounds of Chinese herbs. For 30 years he had practiced at Tianjin, specialising in internal medicine, gynecology and acupuncture. He emphasised a lot on checking his own diagnosis to make sure that it was absolutely correct. He would make use of his knowledge in organic chemistry to analyse the effective compounds in the Chinese herbs before prescribing them to his patients. In practising acupuncture, he promoted studying into the cause of the illness, following the channels to get to the acupoint. By doing this, he often was able to get to the crux of the illness and thus had successfully treated many emergency causes and healed many deep-set ailments.

In November 1993, Mr Yu signed a contract with Russia Geological, Information and Commercial Company to lecture and speak on Chinese Medicine at the GeLianJike District Hospital and Medical Institute. He was later employed by the Singapore Man Fatt Lam Old Folk’s Home, one of the three largest temples in Singapore to be its Chinese Medical Advisor from 1994 to 1996, during which his practice and lectures were very well received by the people and the medical circle. He was also received by several Ministers and Members of Parliament.

Mr Yu has written a book called ‘Zi Wu Ling Gui Chuan Xin Lu’. He was also published many medical papers and essays on professional magazines.
于悦奇,男,从父于秉章天津著名老中医师学习中医。拜天津中医名家学者中医大师张耀华霍炳章,天津中医药大学国学大师陈瑾,李毓麟教授学习全科中医。在天津南开医院中国卫生部首批承认的中西医结合临床医院,天津中医药大学第一附属医院进修中医内科针灸。于悦奇主任医师系北京中医药大学中医硕士。1988年天津职称改革领导小组凭审为中医师。天津行中医28年。1994年注册新加坡全职中医师。应聘新加坡中医药研究院高级临床导师。国际中医药专业职称考评委员会授予中医主任医师CHIEF TCM 职称。于悦奇主任医师擅长内科,妇科,针灸。注重辩证论治。应用有机化学知识分析中药有效成分指导处方。针灸善长审病求因寻经取穴,常操子午流注,动态针法施针,抉起沉疴。1993年,与俄罗斯地质信息商业股份公司订立合同到俄罗斯格连吉克地区医疗联合院所进行中医药指导和讲座。1994至1996年应新加坡万佛林老人院邀请为中医顾问,诊病讲学。深受新加坡大众和中医界欢迎,同时受到了新加坡政府多位部长和国会议员的接见。二千年参加在泰国召开的第六届亚细安中医药学术大会暨国际传统医药新成果博览会。于悦奇主任医师发表了《子午流注奇经纳卦法》。论文著作《子午灵龟传心录》1994年由新加坡七洋出板社出版并做为新加坡国家图书馆,馆藏书籍。于悦奇中医主任医师,自幼爱好中国书法,多年来研习中国历代楷.行.草.隷.篆.锺鼎.甲古等精品碑贴。多次荣获国内外大奖,国际金将。进年来用赤金写新加坡开国总理李光耀《新加坡独立宣言 》荣获到,新加坡庆祝50周年委员会主席,财政部长王瑞杰颁发SG50证书。并受到李显龙接见及合影。新加坡最权威的报纸“海峽时报”与“联合草报”分别给予以报导,深得新加坡大众关众赞赏。其作品选做,新加坡美术总会,南洋理工大学华裔馆收藏。

Opening Hours


10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00, 19:30 - 21:00


10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00, 19:30 - 21:00




10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00, 19:30 - 21:00


10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00, 19:30 - 21:00


10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00, 19:30 - 21:00


10:00 - 13:00, 14:30 - 18:00

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Blk 84 Bedok North Avenue 4, #01-23, Singapore 460084


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